This was Britain’s only colony in Northern Europe ( outside British Isles and Ireland!) in 1890 – where is it, and what happened to it? And….No……it is not Southwold!

This man led a revolt by his people in 1925 which gained them autonomy. Who? Where?


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2 responses to “THE ‘OCCASIONAL ‘QUIZ

  1. henry

    And one answer might be:


    Which is a small island off Germany in the North Sea. And due to its strategic importance has been occupied by the Danish, British and German military. Local population were/are ethnic Frisians (and discuss the need for political change in a dialect of the North Frisian language called Halunder.) Heligoland was formerly called Heyligeland, or “holy land,” because is was thought to be the sancturay of god Forseti – the god of justice, peace and truth .
    (Heligoland is also the name of Massive Attack’s new album out later this year, and the original name for German Bight on ye olde Shipping forecast on the radio).

    The Man of Bronze is Simral Colman of Aligandi. He “led” the 1925 Kuna Yala revolt, in Panama, with Nele Kantule of Ustupu.
    Kuna Yala is a strip of land stretching 232 miles (373 km) along the Caribbean coast of Panama, plus some 300 islands of which 36 are inhabited.
    They suffered the unfortunate attentions of the US Peace Corps and now host various parasite yankee christian cults bringing WhiteGod salvation and obesity to their lovely land.
    They have a swastika on their flag – a local symbol that predated that Aydolf bloke and his mates in those Hugo Boss uniforms.

  2. Dora Kaplan

    Didn’t Hegioland return to British control during World War II…?

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