
Well I got to Horseferry Road magistrates court at 9.30 this morning to hurl abuse at the miscreant expenses MPs only to be told by press photographers that the case had been put back to 2pm. A thousand curses! I simply couldnt be arsed to hang around in the cold till then. However there was a pisspoor turnout – three when i left but rising to 7 at 2pm –  and we’ve pased up a great opportunity to have a close pop at our rotten MPs. So  I salute the intrpid HORSEFERRY ROAD SEVEN andurge therest of you slackers and laggards to come out from behind your virtual realities on March 30th when they’ll be incredibly putting forward a defence of parliamentary privilege for their fiddles. Southwark crown court  March 30th.


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7 responses to “In praise of……..THE HORSEFERRY ROAD SEVEN

  1. flopsy

    Respect to the Horseferry Road seven. You were in the right time at the right place. Take the power! That was a darn sight more important demonstration than last week’s distraction over EDL.

  2. marina

    Protests by their nature are distractions. I guess the apex of the EDL counter protest and this one is the crux.

    Politicians corrupt….and your point is?

    Tanked up football hooligans with a sentimental attachment to castles & cream teas launching a religious crusade….scarey!

    There is absolutely no point taking down a corrupt system only for right wing knuckle draggers and their keepers to fill the vacuum.

    • OK, well that must be why you weren’t there, so what do you suggest instead?
      Seven odd people there, sounds like way too fucking little to me, but I guess to you it would be better if no one was there?
      Also this post is about MPs not the EDL so I don’t see why you’re conflating the two.

  3. Good on you guys, wish I could’ve been there, but with the b**tard MPs taking all the money the rest of us are scuppered for travel expenses. Good to see someone making a decent effort though ^_^

  4. Dora Kaplan

    It’s off topic, but if anyone fancies a real laugh check out ‘Socialist Unity.’ The Palestinian Revolutionaries on international Woman’s day’ is particularly hilarious, and reads like a cross between a ‘Viz’ parody and the Life of Brian. They’ve even got a funny picture of a Stalinist in a beret. Support the Judean people’s Popular Front, brothers and sister, and not the revisionists in the Peoples Popular front of Judea – splitters!

    Almost equally amusing is the thread on the ‘Bristol Convention of the Left.’ A festival of political futility, ego and empty rhetoric coming to an empty University somewhere in Bristol soon. One of the featured workshops is titled ‘electoral strategy – building a movement.’ I think we can all guess the conclusion that our ‘revolutionary’ comrades will come to at the end of their serious discussions: Vote Labour, comrades!

    Anyway, when he’s not getting his little willy in a twist over ‘low level terrorism’ Andy Newman is certainly good for a laugh!

  5. Morefuk

    Apropos of nothing, just watched “britain at war” about the miners strike by More4 on Christie’s website. Biased as fuck towards the ruling class or what?

  6. Well we had 20-odd today in Swansea (am I inflating the figures? 🙂 to raise awareness about the Yarl’s Wood hunger strikers and political prisoners (not even charged with any crime:
    …Tie up Alan Johnson MP’s phone line about this if you get the chance, it’s 0207 0350195…
    So if little old amiably-ambling-about Swansea can get that turnout for a little-known cause on a week’s notice, y’all in the big bad move-bitch-get-out-the-way smoke oughta be able to rustle up more than seven for a cause to do with one of the biggest news events of the past year… if you can’t burn down parliament today, then you can’t burn down parliament today, but at least get out of bed, London!
    Hope there’s a hell of a lot more on the 30th….
    PS No “Welsh Defence League” EDL affiliates showed up as a couple had threatened to on facebook.
    PPS “move bitch get out the way” is not a misogynist reference, it’s a Ludacris song about road rage, so don’t get it twisted, all you literal-minded types…

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