I have just watched the following mind bogglingly appalling interview with UN General Secretary BanKi-Moon

BKIM  ‘United nations forces will institue a curfew in Port Au Prince’

Reporter asks incredulously ‘ How will you bring in a curew when people are living on the streets because there’s been an earthquake’

BKIM: ‘I’ll have to get back to you on that one’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. Fawning Lickspittal

    Mr. Bone, I think you should have more faith in our leaders at the UN and in the SWP. They are cleverer than you or I ever could be. They see all ends, as one would expect from mortal Gods. So, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Your cynicism is undermining these venerable institutions. Shape up!

  2. Rosa Suzanne Simonetti

    If there is, as reported, difficulty in delivering imported aid from Port Au Prince airport to areas of Haiti because of damage to the infrastructure, then why isn’t aid being air dropped in preference to abandoning people with no food, water or medication???

  3. Dora Kapaln

    I think we’ve found a new guest editor for the beleaguered ‘Socialist Worker.’

    Sorting out an international catastrophe should be a lot easier than saving the SWP from terminal self-destruction. Maybe a 6.00 pm curfew for ‘Left Faction…?’

    BKIM: ‘”‘I’ll have to get back to you on that one”

  4. TerryT

    his name is Bank? I hate him already

  5. 2006: Eyewitnesses Account: UN Forces Open Fire on Poor Haitian Neighborhood

    Does anyone have any contacts such that groups and individuals can send money to workers organisations in Haiti?

  6. You can contact these comrades at:

    who are from IWW Miami and have put a call for funds out. They are connected to the group Batay Ouvriye, a combative grassroots worker and peasant’s
    organization in Haiti with workers organized all over Haiti, especially in the Industrial sweatshops and Free Trade Zones.

    They have a paypal account set-up so send them an email

  7. Anonymous

    Thanks for contacting us. To support Batay Ouvriye in this effort, you can mail a check payable to: “Miami Workers Center”(who’s collaborating with us on the collection) with a note “for: MAS/BO” in the memo line of your check.
    Here’s their address:
    Miami Workers Center
    6127 Northwest 7th Avenue
    Miami, FL 33127-1111
    If you’d prefer to donate online, we are addressing some technical issues with this. We should the way to donate online resolved within the next few days.
    Thanks for your support!
    Miami Autonomy & Solidarity

  8. Rosa Suzanne Simonetti

    US prevented aircrafts carrying aid from landing in Haiti because it wanted to land its security forces:

  9. Rosa Suzanne Simonetti

    “Sixty miles from Haiti’s devastated earthquake zone, luxury liners dock at private beaches where passengers enjoy jetski rides, parasailing and rum cocktails delivered to their hammocks in Labadee, Haiti”.

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