Are anarchists more ‘promiscuous’ than coppers? Strangely old fashioned word/concept ‘promiscuity’. Just means people enjoying sex outside mariage but has antiquaited  condemnatory moralistic overtones – never used in a positive way.A word ripe for reclaiming. The Guardian reports a copper saying today ‘You have to be promiscuous in that scene or you’d stand out’ . Well I don’t know that anarchists are any more ‘promiscuous’ than coppers  or plumbers  or anyone out in the Bigg Market on a Saturday night or on the razzle anywhere. But the cops think we are…………must annoy them…….perhaps a banner on the next march saying ‘WE’RE MORE PROMISCUOUS THAN YOU ARE’. The telling difference is that for anarchists and most people promiscuity is something to be enjoyed for the coppers it’s another ‘weapon’ in their armoury like kettling to be employed against subversives.And it’s an officially sanctioned ‘tactic’ to gain information. Do they have ‘Hate Fuck’  training at Hendon? Not a lotta loving there is there. Send for Mr. Freud and Mr.Reich at once………..this may explain a lot.


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  1. Coppers nark

    Kinda blows out the old clean living myth of “on the beat all day and on the wife all night” as in Dixon of Dock green. The Under cover Plods would probably be better suited to ” on the beat all day and on some one elses wife all night” with a police regulation issue Pork Sword for the under the covers detective work. Evening All ….

  2. alan on tyneside

    “anyone out in the Bigg Market on a Saturday night”

    Hmmm…advice for anyone intent on scoring in the Bigg Market: the old line “hello pet, fancy a shag?” is no longer acceptable. We have become more cosmopolitan and you will now stand a much chance if you say “Ciao caro/cara, fancy a shag?”

    OK, I just made that up.

  3. How desperate would somebody have to be to shag Mark Kennedy?

    Let’s be honest here, he is one ugly bastard. It’s pretty unlikely that he’s ever had any action without the assistance of copious amounts of Rohypnol. He and Max Clifford are obviously trying to set him up as some kinda sexy Bond/Bourne figure when it’s blatantly obvious that he is in fact a massive twat with the charisma of a slug.

    That Jim Boyling/Sutton though, he’s a real stud 😉 …

    • Eve Masson

      I agree. He is one ugly bastard. He also looks well shifty and, hence, just like a copper. How could Climate Camp not sniff him out?

      • A

        So you saying people that had sexual relations with these undercover cops were “desperate”. You do realise that a lot of good comrades have been destroyed by these operations but any I guess most of you fuckwits read ian’s blog for the lols and not the real life behind it.

    • Fair enough our dig at Kennedy was inconsiderate with regard to anyone who may or may not have carnal knowledge of him, but we didn’t say they were ‘desperate’ (and it’s an indisputable fact that Mark Kennedy IS fucking ugly).

      But actually, A, we’ve seen plenty of friends severely damaged – both emotionally and physically – because they got into relationships that were forged either through shared ideology or through the heat of activism. You don’t have to be a copper to be an arsehole – though it definitely helps – and there are too many people in the movement finding it too easy to pick on the vulnerable. The lesson, of course, is bring politics into your everyday life, not build your entire life around politics. The reason anarchism is so ineffectual in this country is precisely because it is a sub-culture, which makes it an incredibly fragile environment for real solidarity – let alone relationships – to take root.

      We’re not just talking sexual relationships here, the anarchist scene is littered with blanket casualties who have been the victims of vitriol from the oh-so right-on left. Copper use misinformation, slander and back-biting to divide groups, but you have to ask yourself WHY these tactics are so effective in the anarchist movement? Could it, perhaps, have something to do with the fact that the movement’s inter-personal, inter-generational, inter-community, inter-class roots are so fucking shallow?

      Yours truly,
      The Fuckwits

  4. motley

    more mudslinging.A way of promoting their virtue over our ‘immorality’.Sickening really.
    Remember that Pc that got done for joining in with a couple he found having sex in their car.Perhaps bromide should be dished at the police canteen to protect the public.


    ‘Character armouring’ manifesting itself in TSG steroid abuse and full body armour…Also may explain the recent rash of rapist copper convictions…But hey, abuse of power is part of the jd, innit!


    Bugger, forgot to share the counter-insurgency love with this, sorry!-

  7. Eve Masson

    Where does informed consent in sex begin and where does it end? Rape by Deception:

  8. rab c nesbitt

    time again for one bad was in up against the law.

  9. Over The Counter Terrorism.

  10. alan on tyneside

    Seems that we are quite lucky that it’s not the “Royal Met.” Prince Battenburg-Parasite was pushing the idea in 1977, to show that the royals supported the police.

    The civil servants were not so keen:

    ‘The existence of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the letter warned, was “not a happy precedent”. ‘


    Of-couse Alan, all coppers are Crown warrant holders as opposed to civil servants, (which is why they can’t be made redundant, just be ordered to take early retirement)…Never forget, their first duty is to uphold ‘Order’, in the form of the queens peace, before upholding the law…

  12. This is an age-old trick… anti-authoritarian groups like the Brethren of the Free Spirit in the Middle Ages or the Anabaptists were always accused of promiscuity by the authorities of the day. But also bear in mind Chesterton’s comment: free love is the classic bribery for slavery. Also Huxley’s Brave New World was a sort of sexual free for all. Let the workers shag as a distraction from their exploitation.

  13. Eve Masson

    Did the Ratcliffe-on-Soar six contact Mark Kennedy and offer him protection from the release of information which could lead to the identity of his location in exchange for his assistance with their defence at their trial???

  14. JP

    Eve, no they did not!!! That article linked to below reads well and if it were true would be outrageous, but it is full of half truths, lies and exaggerations.

    • Eve Masson

      @Alan on Tyneside: Thank you for the link to the Grassy Knoll. It was an interesting and provocative post. I still don’t really understand why Kennedy should choose to offer evidence for the defence after his conscience allowed, what I believe to be, twenty other Climate Camp activists involved in Ratcliffe-on-Soar to be sentenced. But, nonetheless, all of them, including the Ratcliffe-on-Soar 6 have had an ordeal to endure so I don’t suppose they want me to add to it with my questions but still, the link did provide a theory to some of them. And JP, whatever the facts surrounding Ratcliffe-on-Soar, I still have respect for Climate Camp and what they are trying to do and that won’t change. Solidarity to you and the camp.

      • alan on tyneside

        Thanks Eve; I didn’t post the link because I believed every word of it, but because it addressed some of the questions that I had been asking myself. Also, Kennedy/Stone had been in Europe & his activity there, (not restricted to eco-activists), may have exposed comrades to very serious charges. Sorry if it caused offence to JP or anyone else.

        Off to the JobCentre tomorrow trying to challenge another random ‘sanctioning’ of another friend; a proper Kafkaesque game of snakes & ladders.

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