Sad news from Warren in  Yorkshire about a long time poster on this blog….and many others. R.I.P. Mark.

‘Just to say that Mark ‘Mozaz’ Wallace, who used to post on here as ‘Project Sheffield’ passed away in the early hours of this morning due to complications brought on by a bout of pneumonia’.

Nice tribute here: - Homepage: http://incurable-hippie.blogspot.com/2011/01/mozaz.html


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  1. So sorry to hear that. Condolences to everyone. Mark seemed like a good guy and I wish I would have had the chance to meet him.
    Take care everyone.

  2. Richard

    RIP Mozaz, you will be missed mate

  3. Voice from the back

    Sad news indeed. I was wondering just the other day why he had stopped contributing to the comments section on this blog. He sounded like a good bloke.

  4. TomC

    He was cantankerous old pain in the arse and he will be sadly missed, Yorkshire today will be a little less coluorful.

  5. Dora Kaplan

    He’ll certainly be missed – ne’er a cliche or received opinion ever crossed his virtual lips. He always sounded like an original intelligence and a unique character.

  6. Harry White

    He was a bloody good photographer

  7. Alien Fiend

    Mozaz this is for your memory mate, as you are sadly gone.

    Alien Fiend.

  8. Adam Plattner

    Mozaz was a mixed up individual, that was often full of BS, but he will be missed, generally by the middle class that didn’t really know him all that well.

  9. Sheffpixie

    Adam Plattner

    I’m middle class (sorry!) and I’ve known Mozaz since he was 15/16 years old. He was in a truly terrible but ferociously exuberant punk band with my son when I first met him. As cantankerous and difficult as he often was and for all his bullshitting I was very fond of him.

    Bullshit and fantasies aside, when he was on form his individual take on things was very refreshing and he could be incredibly kind and empathic with other people’s extremis. He had an intelligent and generous soul that was periodically overwhelmed by his personal demons. Sheffield will be a lot duller without him and I shall miss him.

    • Dora Kaplan

      Ya ain’t middle class without equity, baby. And I don’t mean whatever’s runnin on the mortgage. That’s just a bad joke.
      Teachers; doctors, lawyers and engineers (without equity) are not middle class. If you’re taking orders at work, and you’re not on the board, and you’re working for a salary then you’re not middle class.

      • Voice from the back

        I agree with that 100%. The vast majority of people are wage slaves (or unemployed) who need to sell their labour to survive. Knowing this does not ignore the fact that there are obvious differences between the lifestyles and outlooks of individuals.

  10. martin

    Thoughts to familay and freinds at this sad time….RIP mate

  11. Mozaz’s funeral will take place on Thursday 3rd Feb, 12pm start at Grenoside Crematoruim, North Chapel followed by a gathering at Philledelphian WMC, Martin Street, Upperthorpe, Sheffield from 1:30pm

  12. Evil Garlic Men of Ooompty Boompty

    We are so sorry to see chairman Mo’ go! No more tales of Marmalade road and flapjack in the gutter. No more strangely augmented curries!
    Farewll Mo’, we were a thousand times more garlicky and naughty than thou. We miss you already.

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