Sex worker Natalie Rowe tells all on george osborne in Aussie tv interview tonight

ABC Australia has the golden interview. Key allegations from former sex worker Natalie Rowe:

“I mean it’s been said in the newspapers that he was at university. He wasn’t. At the time he was working for William Hague. I remember that vividly because he called William Hague insipid and I didn’t know what the word meant. I do now. So he definitely was in government by then but I think he was getting more and more of a high profile. So there was definitely, there was cocaine on that night on the table. George Osborne did take cocaine on that night. And not just on that night. He took it on a regular basis with me, with his friends. There were more witnesses, not just me, that witnessed George Osborne taking cocaine. So it’s you know, there are other people out there that know the truth. On that particular night he had taken a line. And I said to George jokingly that when you’re prime minister one day I’ll have all the dirty goods on you. And he laughed and took a big fat line of cocaine.”

Other key parts of the interview with Emma Alberici of ABC Australia:

EMMA ALBERICI: Were you friends?

NATALIE ROWE: Me and George?



EMMA ALBERICI: And did it ever become more than friendship?


EMMA ALBERICI: What did George Osborne think about your line of work?

NATALIE ROWE: He was very intrigued. What initially happened was is that William and George and Christopher, I’d left them at my apartment. I initially kept it a secret from William. I mean they knew that I had an escort agency but they didn’t know what I did. When I got back they’d found the paddles and the whips, the chains and the handcuffs. But they found it quite amusing.

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: It’s  understood  that Osborne’s “safe word” during kinky paid for sex and cocaine sessions (in case they got out of hand) was “Louise”.

UPDATE II: Mark Lewis is representing Ms. Rowe and puts the boot in suggesting that the News of the World editorial at the time was toned down and Osborne was forever in Coulson’s debt.

MARK LEWIS: The editor at the time was Andy Coulson. And I think that’s worth remembering because of the future relationship that we have between the Conservative Party, the prime minister and Andy Coulson… That editorial could have gone completely the other way. It could have said, for example, whilst we do not believe that George Osborne took drugs he showed a serious error of judgement being at the party or being at the flat where drugs were taken, where there was an allegation of prostitution. He showed that error of judgement and therefore he’s not right to be in the heart of politics. Now the decision on which spin to give to the story by the editor of the News of the World particularly was something that determined his future in politics.

EMMA ALBERICI: You think so?

MARK LEWIS: Undoubtedly so because the editorial could have been written the other way. And if it would have been written the other way it would have finished his career I’m sure.



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  1. Greg

    Excellent news. Good that your blog is so widely read as well, so lets see this on the front pages. Posh cunts got to go now -but they’ll trot out the usual ”we all do stupid things in out past” mantra, or she’ll be ”suicided” away…

  2. I bet he still does a line or two now. Although his arrogance and talking shit probably comes naturally.

  3. Responsible Citizen

    ‘Every little breeze whispers Louise’:

  4. Forza

    Brilliant bit of scandal this. Will spread it far & wide.

  5. Pingback: Tory Sleaze Is Back! – George Osborne in Cocaine and Kink Scandal | the void

  6. Greg

    Cheers for that Responsible Citizen.

    Implications for Lord Snooty and Osborne employing Coulson because he shut up and ridiculed Natalie should be massive. What a bunch of criminal cunts running the country.

  7. Robert Smitheringale

    Louise, Louise, I’m pissing myself laughing. It’s a pity they were clean on today. Louise, Louise.

  8. Responsible Citizen

    HACKGATE HAS POWER TO BRING DOWN GOVERNMENT — Richard ‘Lenin’s Tomb’ Seymour tells Murdoch’s fellow Aussies:


    Was this before or after he allegedly joined ‘Militant’? Chubby Osborne said at the GQ Awards that politicians are all wankers, but he lied, they’re obviously all Fuckers… Shades of that cretin Tommy Sheridan…’Moral Responsibility’ my arse.

  10. Excellent, what more is there to say?…

  11. footnoteHooligan

    Osborne on feet in House right now. First one to shout ‘Louise’ gets a spanking.

  12. Gitane

    Fascinating considering Coulson was recruited by the Etonions in Downing Street on Osbourne’s insistence and that he(Coulson) was still getting paid by News International when he took the job. What happened to the story of the dead Tory at Glastonbury?

  13. Who do we think Louise is? His childhood nanny, his first pony or perhaps his nan? 😉

  14. footnoteHooligan

    OT: Just unveiled: educational toy to catch the Christmas market:

  15. Dan

    …the only thing missing is some Rock and Roll!

    I wonder if George and Mandy had a few fat lines on the Russian Billionaire’s yacht a couple of years back before kicking off their heels! 🙂


    It’s like the last decadent days of Rome, the Third Reich or the Ancien Regime, debauchery, drug use and unsavoury relationships…George and ‘Louise’, Mandy and Saif, Snooty and Rebrookah, Rebrookah and Rupert (with James watching, ugh!), Samantha and ‘Charlie’, Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, Cherie and Jacob the 4th Baron Rothschild, David Laws and the £40k, Boris and Petronella, The Rapist Strauss-Kahn, the child-molester Berlusconi, Duck Houses, Moats and pay-per-view porn. Go long guillotines…


    Whatever next?- Eric Pickles, crystal meth and a Uzbek donkey?

    • Paul Broadhurst

      It’s just that kind of Theonophobe nonsence that diminishes us all, it would be significantly more likely to have been gorgeous George himself.

  18. Dora Kaplan

    Golden showers, spanking, bondage, cocaine and consensual masochism. It all sounds like an afternoon at Eton. I wonder if George ever met Tommy down at Cupid’s? The pair of them probably spit roasted Cameron over a bottle of Bolly and line of Peru’s finest.

  19. Responsible Citizen

    What, I wonder, has been impeding publication of the much-promoted — here at any rate — ‘book’ by Miss Whiplash? Life at the top with the Tory Boys who now run Ukania. Or try to:

  20. John Major

    Enough of George and his jolly japes, let us all get “back to basics”, shall we!

  21. Responsible Citizen

    Line 6 of the above 2009 story, I note, claims the ‘£1million memoirs’ had been already ‘snapped up by a major publisher.’

    Harper Collins (prop: Rupert Murdoch)?

    Surely not.

    A certain Andy Coulson been lending a generous hand with the PR?

    Heaven forfend.


      Yeah…As it is Mistress Rowe had to go to the other side of the planet just to get one lousy interview- Rupert seems to be overlooking his own backyard- or does the old whoremonger live in LA these days…or Lichtenstein rather-anywhere where a skeletoid oligarch doesn’t need to pay any taxes to ‘support’ the proles…

  22. hohohohohohoho

    White Lines – don’t do it!

    Cocaine – if you wanna hang out!

    Venus in Furs -shiny shiny, shiny boots of leather!

  23. Responsible Citizen

    Sniffers smell blood: Osborne now 2nd-most popular bet on Oddschecker. 10/1 from 50/1, as next to leave Cabinet. Faîtes vos jeux:

  24. Responsible Citizen

    I dunno. Some people. Just no patriotic sense whatsoever. Particularly modern playwrights. One of them (him an Old Etonian too) writes: ‘Fun. Tea with Max Mosley. Auto-erotic hangings. Bring it all back on.’

  25. footnoteHooligan

    Christmas shopping tip for George Osborne:

  26. Benny Rudeboy

    Pitty the Tory bastards ruin the image of kink and spoil the party for those of us in the lower classes who work for a living who enjoy it as well.

    Not to mention that seeing a sex-worker still is a scandal in today’s day and age.


      I agree, but only up to a point, while there are some very cool libertarian ‘pervs’ and fetishistas out there, there are also the sub-Nietzschean, sociopathic, ego-centric, ammoral, Daily Mail swinger types…I knew this full-on Tory girl who was a hardcore submissive, a slave to a well dodgy hippy Master, and she was one step away from being a fascist (despite a disability which she was in denial about)…and not in a role-play kinda way- Ambitious to the point of wanting to be an intern in the Conservative Central Office, idolising Thatcher, craving real influence…The psychology of Power and sexuality is a very strange thing indeed, after all, who can forget the Hamiltons who paraded their kinks in a most vulgar, ostentatious fashion, even to their own detriment…

  27. Greg

    So the Oxbridge chums of Osborne and the Chipping Norton set, in the corporate media ignore a story that could bring down Cameron. In fact I’ve noticed when a scandal story is going to break about one of them, the BBC etc run a another ‘big’ story about them. Osborne and the banks, Osborne and his electoral .boundary. Apart from Mirror and Telegraph zilch.If nothing comes of this Coulson pay off for smearing Natalie -it’s definite proof we’re living in a stasi fucking karzi

  28. footnoteHooligan

    Into S & M? If, like Benny Rudeboy, you may wish to compare prices online & get just the tool for the job:

  29. Responsible CItizen

    @Greg. Not quite. The Russian oligarch who now controls the not-so-Independent gets his priorities — no doubt for reasons of his own — just about right:

    • Greg

      Cheers RC.
      A spokesman for Mr Osborne said last night: “These are old allegations that were widely reported and denied years ago. There is nothing new.” This could be like red rag to Natalie who may yet come up with something more. Hopefully.

      • INCUBUS

        There were supposed to be FOUR senior Tories involved with Ms.Rowe…and a strong possibility of more photos… Some video would or audio be great, especially of the verbal racial abuse they used towards her…
        Where’s Max Mosely when you need him eh?
        Oh, that’s right, he’s personally guaranteeing the court costs of claimants who may have been subjected to phone hacking by the News of the World…Which would seemingly include Ms.Rowe and Georgie Porgie (‘Call me ‘Louise ‘) Osborne… It’s a funny old world innit?

  30. Dogman

    I am shocked and appalled and my bile is up, let those of you (and you know who you are!) who are without sin be the first to cast the first stone head….(exit to sounds of breaking glass, giggling, Mrs. Danvers a’fire in the window). It is not the dawn, Mandalay is burning!!! The whizzhead Oz is outed, heads will roll!


    What we need is a comprehensive database resource of all the politicans scandals, indiscretions, affairs, illegitimate children, thievery, lies, criminal convictions, superinjunctions, deals with dictators, hypocritical immorality and kiddy-fiddling…Everyting that is already in the public domain and then some…All in the public interest of-course…Name and Shame ’em!

  32. Responsible CItizen

    @Incubus: How about this for starters? Astonishingly, Ukania seems to be a complete blank on the recently established Corruption Tracker map. Terra incognita. Yet here be dragons. Lots of them. Writhing all over the place. Fat ones. And not just filling the global casino they euphemistically call The City. Your opportunity to get cracking:

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