Ambulances carrying the sick and vulnerable will be left stranded in traffic jams during the Olympics while dignitaries beat congestion with ‘Games lanes’ reserved for VIPs.

Organisers for the London Games rejected a request from NHS London to let ambulances use the new fast lanes and have now been accused of risking patients lives.


Emergency blood  supplies, organs for transplant and dialysis patients will also be hit

Sick and vulnerable NHS patients will be left stranded in ambulances in traffic jams while dignitaries and sponsors race past in a fleet of expensive cars on specially designated lanes during the Olympics.

Sara Gorton, senior national officer for health at the medical union Unison, said: “The Olympic organisers need to get their priorities straight. That means making sure that patients needing care, whether that’s kidney dialysis or cancer treatment, do not get stuck in long traffic queues, especially in the heat of summer

As I have long said the terrrain of struggle during the OLympics will be around the VIP lanes from the luxury ParkLane hotels. Angry mobs pelting them with bricks as ambulances crawl to casualty with non-VIPs will echo round the world. NO TO VIP LANES – NO TO FUCKING VIPs FULL FUCKING STOP


Filed under Uncategorized


  1. steve howard

    I would like to see proof of that.Its too far-fetched. Ambulances have carte blanche to break traffic laws to get emergency patients to hospital.

    • Anonymous

      No they don’t. An ambulance does not have the right toignorr traffic laws, the blues and twos are only there to inform other road users, there were a number of cases in the 80s when over officious coolers mocked ambulances for speeding.

      • Keith

        I think it’s just the filth who are allowed to break traffic rules – but as ambulances/fire brigade are rarely prosecuted then drivers should ignore any rules & force the VIPs into the people’s lanes as needed.

      • As someone who actually went through London Ambulance Service paramedic training, I can tell you that ambulance drivers do get a dispensation against most traffic laws in emergency situations – but every incident has to be justified. If it can’t be justified, they will be charged with the traffic offence just like everybody else.

  2. There you go steve! – http://bit.ly/xkBfEO
    If you scroll down you’ll see a piece from the guardian, amongst others…

  3. Danni


    There’s your evidence pal. FUCK THE RICH BASTARDS. If you’re not angry, you’re not fucking paying attention.

  4. Davey Hairbrush

    emergency services are not banned from VIP lanes, according to the guardian. I think Mr Bone is using his words in a very creative manner to get the desired response – frothing malcontents splitting sunday morning outrage.

    Non-emergency (ie not flashing their blue lights) health service vehicles won’t be allowed to use the lanes (as won’t the police).

    This in istelf is unaccpetable and should be fought againt but you shouldn’t have to dress the situation up in mock sub-tabloid scare stories and internet tattle to get a reaction.

    • Gitane

      Ah but you responded didn’t you so whose the dumb nuts here ? You or Bone. Methinks its you.

    • b

      “Non-emergency (ie not flashing their blue lights) health service vehicles won’t be allowed to use the lanes (as won’t the police).”
      But fucking rich cunts will.

      Of course Lord Bone uses words creatively. Long may he do so. Why don’t you work on your own wordsmithery and try to avoid mindcrunchingly boring clichés such as “frothing malcontents spitting Sunday morning outrage”?

      Excuse my Sunday evening tetchiness!

      • Davey hairbrush

        aye never let facts get in the way of a good rant. “Sexing up” a piece of info to sell to a largely uninterested audience. Sound familiar?

        Here’s a thing you and all the other outraged of tunbridge wells will never do anything in response to the olympics vip lanes. It’s a bit of froth on your daydream.

        What you gonna do?

  5. Charlie Leech

    At the School of Ideas – 26 Feb 2012 – 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

    School of Ideas
    Featherstone Rd
    EC1Y 8RX

    Charlie Veitch the pretend anarchist, who proclaims his actual love for Ayn Rand and who last month declared trade unions as evil for wanting to help poor people on one of his tiresome youtube videos, will be speaking at the School of Ideas about how he is the be all and end all of anarchism..
    Charlie Veitch who has built an army of gullible internet fanboys and girls who worship him and enable him to live off the donations that he regularly begs for.
    Charlie Veitch seems to have duped the occupy movement though, that much is obvious.

    Please support Charlie by attending and kneeling before him. He may even touch you if you’re extremely lucky.

    • y

      I haven’t got a lot of time for claims that people are “pretend anarchists”. The history of anarchism is very wide and it seems unnecessary to try to dismiss or claim ownership of the term.
      My impression is that the fellow is all over the place. He also has quite a few “fans” who appear to be doing themselves and himself a disservice.

      The topic title is an interesting one and reminds me of repeat arguments many moons ago. Is it necessary to have a spiritual change in order to achieve a successful anarchism? Or, does the actual work towards anarchism help to re-enforce more productive/ communal/ anarchist perspectives? From what I have heard of Ayn Rand, her writings are the antithesis of any of the above. It may well be that CV is just flailing around. Either way, it looks like an interesting enough way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Just because someone has been given space to contribute doesn’t mean they have duped anyone, btw.

      • Hari Hari, Charlie Charlie

        It’s not so much whether Veitch is a “pretend anarchists” or not? It’s more like whether he’s a parasitic wanker or not?

        Occupy is full of these wannabe gurus trying to make a name for themselves (…and hopefully – if those ‘Donate’ buttons are anything to go by – earn a few quid while they’re at it). He contributes nothing whatsoever to any real work towards the class struggle. Even the rozzers think he’s a joke…


      • Gitane

        “just because someone has been given space to contribute doesn’t mean they have been duped by anyone, btw”
        No I agree but the power of exageration shouldn’t be criticised when the lure is taken. The artificial fly and the trout comes to mind; the urge to express becomes the means to ridicule the opinion.
        Freddy Starr ate my hampster? Comment or ignore?

      • b

        “I haven’t got a lot of time for claims that people are “pretend anarchists”.
        Fair enough, but that doesn’t mean you should have any time for anyone who admires Ayn Rand.
        “The history of anarchism is very wide and it seems unnecessary to try to dismiss or claim ownership of the term.”
        Yes but contrary to what I’ve heard people assert, this doesn’t indicate the strength of any word, movement, or ‘ism’. Think of almost any kind of idiocy, or anti-social scumbaggery, and some scene calling itself “anarchist” will have supported or even promoted it. This has little to do with the fact that ANYBODY who admires Ayn Rand is full of shit. They can call themselves whatever they like, but they’re still full of shit. Whether or not some anarchists can be full of shit, or whether or not people who are full of shit should be accepted to have the right to call themselves anarchists, revolutionaries, proletarian autonomists, communists, socialists, situationists, radicals, poets, or shit-artists – this doesn’t matter a fucking shit! BORING!

    • anon

      Comment or ignore? Comment every time. A self publicising, youtube anarcho-capitalist idiot being publicly challenged and exposed as the fraud he is by articulate voices instead of inarticulate youtube trolls sounds like fun to me.


      Charlie Wretch, is just another cult leader with anarchist pretensions, with the added value of a sprinkling of Ayn Rands toenail clippings (poor old Ayn never stuck to her bestial convictions and made sure she picked up her Social Security cheque along with all the other ‘dependents, losers and scroungers’)…
      Meanwhile, a friend tells me-
      “Occupy are setting up a record label and are trying to raise £20,000 in two weeks. They already have £3,000. This is for offices, marketing, printing, etc. to raise awareness and distribute funds to Occupy worldwide. Allegedly. Chumbawamba on the roll call and Jamie Reid’s designed the artwork for the first album.

      Coming to a festival near you…”

      Anarcho-Capitalism and career building never looked so good…Blurrgh!

    • This would be the same Charlie Veitch who was hero-worshipped by many “911 truther” types… until he looked at the evidence and realised that most of the “controlled demolition” theories simply don’t stand up to scrutiny. Then of course he became demonised overnight by youtibe commenters who couldn’t keep their tongues out of his arse just 24 hours earlier.

  6. Tough Love

    At last some class action that will appeal and not apall “the masses”.
    I was going to stay away from London for the Olympics but not now.

  7. Anonymous

    It’s almost as if they want people to sabotage the VIP lanes.

  8. Jabez

    No ambulance driver/para medic/doctor or nurse worth their salt would never jeopardise the health or life of a patient in need of emergency treatment. As much as I detest the whole Olympic games nonsense – common-sense and integrity should ensure that the emergency blue lights will be on for everyone to see. The legal consequences for the police and their pampered VIPs will be severe if they interfere, well in a sane society they should be!!! . May I suggest that those walking in the vicinity of the VIP lanes, make sure they have fully charged cameras to record any distasteful events.

    • b

      Did anyone else see that ‘Voina’ action from Russia, where someone runs into a VIP lane and clambers over a limousine? He puts a bucket on his head, but I think that was a very sensible precaution against getting shot by bodyguards. This is the same group that painted the willy on the bridge that then lifted up and pointed at a KGB, sorry, FSR building. The film is here:

      I like this action. It takes the piss out of the in-your-face arrogance of our enemies.

  9. Has the Daily Mail been infiltrated by reds?

  10. Pingback: Talks commence about NHS reforms – but none of the critis invited. « Jason E Cooper


    Courtesy of TfL- a map of the VIP lanes…

    Click to access london-2012-olympic-route-network.pdf

    ..so you can avoid those nasty £200 fines and for other stuff…

  12. Pingback: Fuck the Olympic VIP Lanes « AMP

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