Decide to watch by-election fun from the Flora Sandes wetherspoons in Thornton Heath. Nothing ongoing so decide to shift HQ to Ship of Fools in Croydon….but hold… here is SHASHA KHAN the Grren Party candidate alone and palely loitering outside Thornton Heath station. We take pity and help him hand out leaflets……he’s a decent cove…wot ho…..here comes Winston from UKIP….’fuck off you homophobic cunt’ bellows Jane…. Winston scarpers pronto. Here comes the Respect Battlebus with Lee Jasper aboard……’Fuck off Respect you rape apologists party’ shouts Jane….again…and again…Jasper shouts ‘don’t get into an argument with the Green Party’….. he thinks we’re the Green party…….Green Party man is non plussed by his newly offensive supporters…’Ignore her’ screams Jasper………..but you can’t ignore the whirling dervish of splenetic rage that is Jane……….no one on the battlebus……we seize it in the name of the people…….’rapist apologist bus………..

I’d just been for a job interview.  I said “let’s go for an afternoon pint – a pub with an open fire”. Ended up going to the Flora Sandes in Thornton Heath cos we’d never been there & it was a wetherspoons. No open fire but a bottle of wine was £5.99 so who cares.  Found out though that Flora Sandes was a brave (but probably misguided) woman who fought on the front line in the 1st world war.  Leaving the pub walked into a melle of local idiots campaigning for the locaLCroydon l bi-election tomorrow.  There was Winston Mackenzie (UKIP) in his be-jewelled hat trying to shake my hand. “Fuck off you homophobic idiot”. Then we have the lovely Lee Jasper on his tour bus “ Fuck off Jasper you support the party that support rapists”.  “Ignore her” says Jasper to his group of all male entourage.  “Don’t you tell women to be quiet, you group of 12 men – I’m the only woman here & you won’t let me speak”.  Lee Jasper & crew go.Flora Sandes death brigade occupies Respect battlebus…


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  1. London Class War

    Superb bit of piracy & I hope you seized all their booty before Jasper walked the plank, or should I say scuttled off down the street.

  2. dogman

    A major contribution to road safety…huzzah!

  3. Tough Love

    Anything that non plusses the Grreen party is OK by me. If they had their way we’d all be living in caves without electricity and eating grass (and not the good sort). Well done Jane – The spirit of Lucy Parsons lives on.

  4. Crame

    Who’s the rape apologist. Galloway over Assange?
    Nah. Anarchists get it wrong again.

    • Er, I don’t think that the Assange allegations, true or false, are the point here, it’s more a case of Galloway thinking that a man having sex with a woman who is asleep isn’t rape, and that it is as he said, just ‘bad sexual etiquette’. So ‘rape apologist’ is spot on.
      Surely getting support from Galloway is like being handed a poisoned chalice?
      Who really trusts anything that comes out of the bloated millionaire arsehole’s mouth? Enough to vote for him and his party, more’s the pity.

  5. crame

    What you’re saying is that no one has ever had sleep-wake sex and gone oooh yeah, rather than argh-no?
    Doubt it. Doubt it very much. And no-one knows what exactly went on, what fantasies were exchanged – or what. Maybe he thought they had an understanding. Maybe he was right and she changed tune. Maybe he was wrong and it really was not what she wanted. Just allegation so far.

    If you woke up with your girlfriend riding your morning hard on, would you throw her off and scream rape because she didn’t ask first?

    • scherben

      False comparison, deflection and bullshit. The point about Galloway is that he thinks some non-consensual sex is ok, not Assange’s innocence or guilt. Of course the great emancipator in waiting of the downtrodden can never be wrong about anything, can he?

    • First off, to quote the late great Ian Dury-

      “you look so self-possessed
      I won’t disturb your rest
      it’s lovely when you’re sleeping
      but wide awake is best”

      but being a dickhead male I probably wouldn’t scream ‘rape’ no (although I’d more than likely be wanting a cuppa and a fag), however, if I’d only just met someone and then awoke to find them fucking me up the arse, (or I fucked them while they slept) I’d definitley call it rape -you seem to presume that all people have the same psychology when it comes to sex- being penetrated is a qualitively different experience to penetrating- a damn sight more intimate and invasive, and fucking someone when they are unconscious and can’t give their consent is rape (more akin to necrophilia if you ask me). The context is everything too- it wholly depends on the relationship involved, and sex is incredibly nuanced, so a loving couple may enjoy surprising each other that way, with consent, or you might have an abusive relationship with a pig who thinks he can hate-fuck his partner whenever he likes because he or she thinks they are his property- that’s rape. Come on, it’s not rocket science.

      Apart from that, I think Assange is probably being stitched up, even though I don’t actually think much of him either, nor do I trust him one bit- sexual allegations have long been used as a political weapon- and the CIA and other agencies have long history of using any old dirty trick in the book to discredit their enemies, which is not to say some egotistical power-freak wouldn’t abuse their celebrity status to get away with murder- or rape, like Savile, Morrison, Smith etc, etc

  6. No sign of the Communist Party of Britain candidate Ben Chacko?

  7. Pingback: Puzzles for the left: How to vote in Croydon « Jim Jepps

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