There is a vicious piece in today’s Mail on Sunday systematically rubbishing the reputation and intergrity of Stve Mesham. This is an attempt to grind the man into the dust. So let me tell you about David Rose. He was a big supporter in print of the ‘weapons of mass destruction evidence’ before the war. He later admitted that he had been a ‘gullible dupe for state disinformation’. But he wasn’t a gullible dupe. He had been invited in by the security services and told he could be given secret information as a favour by the security services. He took the brief. Later he recanted and admitted his involvement with the security services. He was a handy conduit of misinformation. In 1985 acting on behsalf of the Brixton police Commander Marnoch he wrote a ludicrous piece in the Guardian saying the Brixton riot had been jointly organised by  Class War and the  NationalFront. He later had to retract in the same paper. There is no reason to believe Rose has changed his brief. He is now being fed disinformation to undermine Steve Mesham and protect his pals from a huge scandal. David Rose would repay a closer look but interesting that the state is pulling out all the stops on this one so high are the stakes.

*******For any doubters Rose was brilliantly taken apart by Nick Davies in ‘Flat Earth News’. Rose is identified ss the ‘Guardian/Vanity fair/MOS Rose to distinguish him from  others with the same name.Further discussion at :   www.tompride.wordpress.com


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  1. Greg

    Apparently he has a history of being a ‘fixer’ for the government. Climate change denial articles for which he had to backtrack his lies in the face of real science. He did a a good job of obfuscating the Jersey child abuse cases -I say ‘he’ -as it is widely suggested that David Rose doesnt exist as a journalist, just as many of the Daily Mail owned local rags have ‘ghost’ reporters that write pre-ordained right wing shit dressed up as ‘articles’, An employee said they also have their own staff write ‘readers comments’

  2. Phil

    What rock did he crawl out from, his middle name is obviously “slime”, the Mail is a disgusting rag, only fit for using in the privies I remember as a kid.

    • Scum of the highest order then- anyone know what this filth wrote about Hillsborough or Orgreave? Would be interesting to compare and contrast the work of a state-paid ‘journalist’…

  3. Pingback: Child abuse scandal can of worms – just who is Daily Mail reporter David Rose? « Pride's Purge

  4. David Mellor is a TOTAL and utter CUNT- and has pushed the Establishment disinformation campaign over the edge now, by calling Steve Messham a ‘wierdo’- the Tories are now waging a war on the victims of child abuse . They are digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves, and it’s up to us to bury the BASTARDS.


    “By the ‘Establishment’, I do not only mean the centres of official power—though they are certainly part of it—but rather the whole matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised. The exercise of power in Britain (more specifically, in England) cannot be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially.” (Harry Fairlie, The Spectator, 1955)

    • b

      Mellor on Messham: “He’s already cost £1.5m costs when he accused a policeman of sexually abusing him” and “The idea of Alastair McAlpine being involved in child abuse is simply ludicrous and someone on Newsnight should have had the sophistication to realise that.

      So Messham has cost his social betters some money, and got some bureaucrat wallahs at the BBC to be so ‘unsophisticated’ as to believe an idea that was “ludicrous”. Clearly no-one should ever be so parasitic as to say anything negative about anyone above them ever again.

      Either that, or cunts like Mellor don’t know right from fucking wrong.

      According to Wikipedia: “Mellor currently lives with his girlfriend, Penelope, Viscountess Cobham, in the Dockmaster’s House, a 19th-century listed building at the gateway to St Katharine Docks, east London. On 30 May 2006 it was reported that Mellor has spoken out against the proposed construction of a 17-storey block of flats in St Katharine Docks. Mellor said, ‘There is no design involved. It would look tawdry down the wrong end of a beach in Torremolinos.’

      • Alice out of Wonderland

        “Either that or cunts like Mellor don’t know right from wrong” why is Mellor so interested?

  5. Tough Love

    David Mellor is below contempt and a total waste of oxygen.

  6. Ned Seagreen

    O Rose, thou art sick

  7. Ned Seagreen

    While the powers-that-be want to starve any public outrage about their crimes of ‘the oxygen of publicity’ (as the Nonce-Enabler-In-Chief Maggie Thatcher put it, in the context of muzzling ‘freedom of speech’) at the same time as giving maximum publicity to their tawdry denunciations of the weak, I wonder if there are moves towards a public, out-on-the-streets denunciation of this ongoing coup d’etat against the most vulnerable and the clay-footed ‘turbulent priests’ of the BBC who’ve cack-handedly tried to ‘expose’ the Establishment abusers. I mean, what is the dividing line between a tacit complicity – disguised by shouting about the abuse on blogs, twitter and facebook – and the cynical exploitation of others’ misery to ‘score political points’? I’m ambivalent. But at the same time, I feel so ANGRY about this and feel that people should be rattling the gates of Downing Street (and then some…) about this, banging pots and pans or whatever. This is too serious for any kind of political stuntism but has to amount to something more than resisting the urge to express your impotent rage by posting up You Tube videos of mortar attacks on Downing Street. This has got to be at least on the scale of the Dutroux scandal in Belgium and many hundreds of thousands were out on the streets there. They can’t be allowed to get away with this…

    • If you look at the online comments on the Rose article, you’ll see that people aren’t being fooled, they virtually stand as one with Steve Messham, so there is definitely a groundswell of deep unease and real hatred for the elite paedo-ring and the Tory cover-up, which is heartening. Whether this translates into ‘rattling the gates of Downing Street’ is another thing. If the establishment successfully manages the narrative as it has been doing, that’s to say, send it into ‘Lala-land’ with the bizarre assertions of what Newsnight and Messham are supposedly ‘guilty of’, then it will be forgotten- and that’s even with the multiple inquiries (or rather because of them).
      There is this protest blog, where a commenter has called for a Belgian-type ‘White March’, but where the blogger has slapped the idea down with a pathetic, spurious historical justification to not go into the streets, and to just send ‘postcards for justice’- which sounds bloody suspicious to me-

      WHY should we act?

  8. unlimitednow

    Interesting post with a few links about Rose IS DAVID ROSE WHO VILIFIED MESSHAM LINKED TO PAEDO… http://google-law.blogspot.com/2012/11/is-david-rose-who-vilified-messham.html?spref=tw

  9. John Williams

    Dear Ian

    I would be very careful with this Bryn Estyn stuff. There is very little that can be taken at face value about it – see the genuinely independent Richard Webster’s epic account of the affair – The Secret Of Bryn Estyn – http://www.richardwebster.net/secret.html – for further information.

    I’d invite you to consider the possibility that the revival of this discredited tale is actually a very cynical attempt to discredit the radical left and the BBC. The question I’d like to see answered is who exactly brought the story to Newsnight. It seems entirely plausible that they knew very well the BBC, Tom Watson etc would jump at the chance to attack the Tories, would run the story without checking it properly, and would then see it blow up in their faces. Which is precisely what happened.

    Have sympathy for Steve Messham, for sure, but be very careful about taking his claims at face value.

    • Pinkie

      Yes, you should be very careful about accusations of child abuse, good evidence matters for all concerned.

      Richard Webster (deceased) is well worth reading, his analysis of the Shieldfield scandal in particular. (The role of the vile Bea Campbell in this travesty of justice and assault on reason should always be remembered whenever she graces us with her ‘thoughts’.)

      This is not to deny that abuse was widespread, nor to deny that those coming forward now did not suffer abuse.

      • ianbone

        Yes Pinkie you are dead right about Bea Campbell. I remember seeing her crawling around underground somewhere and unearthing an empty beer can and a candle as a sure sign of satanic abuse.

  10. ‘The question I’d like to see answered is who exactly brought the story to Newsnight.’ -Wouldn’t that be Jimmy ‘the beast’ Savile, friend of Thatcher? Cobblers mate, you really think the Tories would want to be smothered in the vilest allegations, risking everything, solely to have a pop at the pitifully small and largely ineffective ‘radical left’ and the sodding Beeb? I don’t think so, not after the hacking, expenses and banking scandals…

  11. Rottweiler Derby

    Yep this maggot was also involved with MI5 attempts to sting militant anti-fascists in the 1990s. He’s bent as fuck and anything he says is intended to advance the ruling class agenda.

  12. John Williams

    Incubusblog – Yes I do think that. it’s precisely because of the hacking, banking etc scandals – where the right have been caught bang to rights – that it very well suits them for a new scandal – which anyway only involves the Tories of several decades ago – to be found to be false. How much more nervous to report it will the Beeb et al be when the next real scandal comes along…

    • y

      Sorry John – the conspiracy of a conspiracy doesn’t wash. The BBC haven’t exactly been producing exposure on exposure of the state over the past few years.

  13. Rob

    Not the David Rose with all the Guardian articles then? That will be why I didn’t find much evil in David Rose’s Guradian stuff?

  14. Pingback: SPOOKS AT WORK David Rose & Brian Johnson Thomas | DR Laverty

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